Update reshade instructions
Update reshade instructions

update reshade instructions

  • Sometimes the qUINT DoF doesn’t focus where I want it to as mouse-driven DoF doesn’t work so I’ll disable it and just use the other DoF on it’s own instead.
  • update reshade instructions

    This can be super helpful when you’ve got the frame you want before you enable reshade so you don’t mess up your position after enabling reshade. In Tab (camera) Mode, click your mouse button to freeze the screen so it doesn’t move around.

    update reshade instructions

    I play my game vanilla but I enable Reshade whenever I’m taking a screenshot and this works very well for me. I wouldn’t recommend playing with this Reshade preset.Make sure edge smoothing is off in-game, same with post-processing effects (or follow ‘s instructions to have it enabled for use along with Reshade).

    #Update reshade instructions install

    You can of course also check pretty much of any of my Get Famous posts as they’re all using this reshade as well but bear in mind those have been edited on top of reshade. Notable Changes: Reshade (Dlls): Updated with latest stable official reshade version 5.0.2 (signed, no addon version) Changed caching folder folder to use the windows temp dir for easy clean up Install instructions: Update Note from 0.9.4-pre and up: You only need to update the dlls and the reshade.ini as the rest is unchanged. Then open up the assistant and reload all profiles, so their binaries are updated as well. I also made comparison screenshots between the vanilla game, this reshade and my previous reshade which you can see in this album. If you want to update ReShade itself only and leave the shaders alone, just replace 'ReShade32.dll', 'ReShade64.dll' and the 'ReShade Assistant' executables with the updated ones. You can check this album for higher quality comparison screenshots. Please check this post and this post for more unedited screenshots. The pictures above have the vanilla game on the left and reshade enabled on the right - no other editing has been done to the screenshots other than resizing them. It’s built for v3.0.7 so whilst it will still work on other versions of reshade it probably won’t look the same. ReShade features its very own shading language and compiler, called ReShade FX.The syntax is based on HLSL, adding useful features designed for developing post-processing effects: Define and use textures right from the shader code, render to them, change renderstates, retrieve color and depth data, request custom values like timers or key states.

    Update reshade instructions